Black and White 2 - a good RTS game

During its time, Black and White 2 was a kind of RTS game that you didn't knew exactly how to play. With a more advanced graphics than what most strategy games proposed in that period, Black and White, as the name suggests, didn't leave you any chance to remain indifferent. You either loved it madly, or you had to delete it from your computer.

Now, even the creator, Peter Molyneux admits that there were many things that could have been done better, but not even the small or large imperfections have not prevented the title to be a success in its time.

The idea of the game in Black and White 2 is no different from the initial game. You can be a god of peace or a god of war and once you took into possession one of the 5 nations of the game - Greek, Japanese, Aztecs, Egyptians or North - you only have to decide what you would like to put them to do.

Black and White quickly became known as the creature game. Besides citizens, you will have to take care of a creature that is a symbol of divine power and at the same time a supernatural executing tool in the game. The creature does not disappear in Black and White 2 and you can choose between a lion, a cow, a monkey and a wolf. One of the flaws which many players have blamed in the initial game was the fact that after the growth and the training of the creature ended, it was not really anything to do with it.

Black and White 2 aims to rectify this flaw by introducing elements of RTS and a better AI for the creature. The interaction with it works the same as before, a slap for mistakes, consolation for the good things it does.

Black and White 2 decided to surprise through the graphics. The details have always been important for the atmosphere of an RTS and regarding this game, you will be able to complain about anything, but not about the landscapes and images.

The graphics of the game has surprised so hard that many began to wonder on what PCs they will run the new Black and White 2. Molyneux has calmed the spirits when he announced that the claims of Black and White 2 will not be higher than those of Half Life 2.

Black and White 2 hasn't brought great changes in terms of how the player interacts with the game universe, but thanks to the graphics and the other new items it is a title worthy to be played by every RTS fan game.

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